Sunday, July 01, 2007

Changes in the air.....

Well.. there are changes on the horizon at least....

A weight around the shoulders of both my beautiful Wife and I will soon be gone. We will be getting our ship corrected so that we aren't taking in so much water.

And on a personal level, I am hoping bigger changes, or smaller if you look at the situation in a different light.

It is going to be a mountain to climb, and I know I have the support of my Wife. The changes will be small at first, but as time goes on, these could be big changes, very big. And I am excited.

Keep watching here for more updates, but those that read this, thanks for the support of the past, and as hard as this future will be, I hope that if I need a pillar to lean on, that I can count on those that support me most.


M.Flutterby said...

It's hard to believe that the changes we have been hoping for so long may soon truly come true.
There is still a mountain to climb, and I'm glad to be with you for the hike. May the view from the top be everything we expected it to be, and may we take the time to enjoy the trip up.
I love you!

JD said...

You know if you need anything - just drop me a line. Any day, any time.

Mac G said...

Good luck always!