In two days my statue of Archangell will arrive. This is the pose I chose for him and obviously the right apparel. And yes, that is a pile of golds he stole that he is standing on.
Statue courtesy of Figure prints.
EDIT: He's Here!

Grey, non-metallic element, atomic number 34, relative atomic mass 78.96. It belongs to the sulphur group and occurs in several allotropic forms that differ in their physical and chemical properties. It is an essential trace element in human nutrition.
Obtained from many sulphide ores and selenides, it is used as a red colouring for glass and enamel.
Because its electrical conductivity varies with the intensity of light, selenium is used extensively in photoelectric devices. It was discovered in 1817 by Swedish chemist Jöns Berzelius and named after the Moon because its properties follow those of tellurium, whose name derives from Latin Tellus ‘Earth’.
Just like my hair color....
34 is also: